Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Dani Walpole. I'm a writer, comms manager, and media producer in NYC with 8 years of professional experience. I'm the Senior Internal Communications Specialist at Environmental Defense Fund focusing on employee engagement, enterprise communications and Employee Resource Groups. I am also a
certified Project Management Professional (PMP).
I have a dual Bachelors in Digital Media Production and English: Creative Writing, and an abundance of experience as a writer, editor, and content strategist working to build brands in the digital space. I'm also experienced in video production, digital art, and graphic design.
In my free time I run, play guitar and piano, learn about edible plants, foster rescue dogs, play board games with my friends, paint, and read the Hunger Games in Spanish (very slowly). If you want to learn more about me, scroll down or check out my resume.
Internal Comms
I work for the Environmental Defense Fund as the Senior Internal Communications Specialist, working with experts on climate, science, politics, HR and environmental justice to communicate stories to 1000+ people. I also serve as editorial director for EDF's daily internal publication, "Insider," and I write and curate our weekly all-staff newsletter. I also do a lot of tech-y project mangement, and operations work.
I recently co-founded EDF's first Disability-focused ERG.